Total Rural Supplies have a wide stock of herbicides, fungicides, and fertilisers for growers in the Toowoomba and Dalby region. We offer very competitive prices on your cropping inputs from a vast network of suppliers. Some of our products and services include the following:
Fertiliser for your Soil in Toowoomba, Dalby and surrounding areas
Good pasture production requires good soil fertility. To achieve good soil fertility and vigorous pasture growth, generally means applying fertilisers such as;
- Urea
- Natramin
- 88
- Organic based manure based
- Lime
- Gypsum
Increase your harvest. Buy high quality fertilisers from Total Rural Supplies, today. Visit us at 473 Boundary Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350.
Herbicides for Your Farm & Pasture Lands in Dalby & Toowoomba
Keep your farm, gardens, lawns and pasture lands in Dalby and Toowoomba free from unwanted weeds with the following chemicals:
Pre-emergent Herbicides
These types of herbicides are commonly used by growers to help combat plant pests. They help in killing off infant root systems and prevent them from growing.
Post emergent Herbicides
These are helpful in killing weeds that have already grown on your lawn, garden or crop. This ensures it will not grow back and will not use the nutrients of the soil intended for your valuable plants. Here are some products we recommend; Adama Flagship 200 For the control of a wide range of Broadleaf Weeds in Fallow, Lucerne, Maize, Millets, Pastures, Poppies, Sorghum, Sugarcane, Sweetcorn, Winter Cereals. Also for the control of Woody Weeds in Agricultural Non-Crop Areas, Commercial and Industrial Areas, Forests, Pastures and Rights-of-way. Adama Clincher Gold For the control of certain annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in several crops including winter cereals, sorghum, cotton, maize, broccoli and sugar cane.
Woody Weed Control Herbicides
Granular Products Regain 200 is a high quality, Australian made tebuthiuron granule for the control of invasive woody weeds, such as brigalow, eucalypt suckers, tea tree regrowth and prickly acacia. It’s efficacy for reducing mature shrub cover is widely documented. GP Regain 200 can be applied at any time of the year, however applications made prior to seasonal rainfall give the most rapid response. Control may persist for up to 2 years, depending on local conditions. It is available in 20 kg and 500 kg packs.
Total Rural Supplies can arrange for an inspection so a product can be applied from the air for an efficient cost effective result. Use a combination of herbicides to get rid and control unwanted noxious weeds in your pastures. Talk to us to know more about these herbicides. Call us at 07 4633 0105 or send a message, today.
Insecticides for Pest Prevention in Dalby andToowoomba
We have different insecticides to help target and kill insects including the following:
- Insect pests
- Soil insects
- Armyworms
- Corn aphids
- Rutherglen bugs
- Sorghum head caterpillars
Adama Trivor is a unique new insecticide combination that provides rapid and extended control of many of the sucking insects that attack Citrus crops. Key targets include:
- Californian Red Scale
- Pink Wax Scale
- Citrus Mealybug
- Kellys Citrus Thrips
- Citrus Leaf Miner
Containing two modes of action, Trivor® sets a new benchmark for knockdown control and longer-term protection. Talk to us if you have other problematic insects in your farms and pasture lands. We are happy to help.
Fungicides for Fungus Prevention in Dalby andToowoomba
Prevent the spread of fungi diseases on your plants with these effective fungicides. Kill the sources of foliar and soilborne diseases such as:
- Clubroot
- Downy mildews
- Fusarium species
- Powdery mildews
- Pythium species
- Rhizoctonia species
- Sclerotinia
- Sclerotium species
- White blisters
Visit our shop at 473 Boundary Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350.